was partially designed with performance in mind. Solving imaging inverse problems is traditionally very computationally expensive, especially since Comrade uses Bayesian inference. To benchmark Comrade
we will compare it to two of the most common modeling or imaging packages within the EHT:
[1] or ehtim
is a Python package that is widely used within the EHT for its imaging and modeling interfaces. It is easy to use and is commonly used in the EHT. However, to specify the model, the user must specify how to calculate the model's complex visibilities and its gradients, allowing eht-imaging's modeling package to achieve acceptable speeds.
Themis is a C++ package focused on providing Bayesian estimates of the image structure. In fact, Comrade
took some design cues from Themis
. Themis has been used in various EHT publications and is the standard Bayesian modeling tool used in the EHT. However, Themis
is quite challenging to use and requires a high level of knowledge from its users, requiring them to understand makefile, C++, and the MPI standard. Additionally, Themis provides no infrastructure to compute gradients, instead relying on finite differencing, which scales poorly for large numbers of model parameters.
Benchmarking Problem
For our benchmarking problem, we analyze a situation very similar to the one explained in Namely, we will consider fitting 2017 M87 April 6 data using an m-ring and a single Gaussian component. Please see the end of this page to see the code we used for Comrade
and eht-imaging
All tests were run using the following system
Julia Version 1.10.3
Python Version 3.10.12
Comrade Version 0.10.0
eht-imaging Version 1.2.7
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-12.0.1 (ORCJIT, tigerlake)
Our benchmark results are the following:
Comrade (micro sec) | eht-imaging (micro sec) | Themis (micro sec) | |
posterior eval (min) | 31.1 | 445 | 55 |
posterior eval (mean) | 31.8 | 476 | 60 |
grad posterior eval (min) | 104 (Enzyme) | 1898 | 1809 |
grad posterior eval (mean) | 107 (Enzyme) | 1971 | 1866 |
Therefore, for this test we found that Comrade
was the fastest method in all tests. For the posterior evaluation we found that Comrade is > 10x faster than eht-imaging
, and 2x faster then Themis
. For gradient evaluations we have Comrade
is > 15x faster than both eht-imaging
and Themis
Julia Code
# To download the data visit
obs = ehtim.obsdata.load_uvfits(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "examples", "Data", "SR1_M87_2017_096_hi_hops_netcal_StokesI.uvfits"))
obsavg = scan_average(obs)
amp = extract_table(obsavg, VisibilityAmplitudes())
function model(θ, p)
(;rad, wid, a, b, f, sig, asy, pa, x, y) = θ
ring = f*smoothed(stretched(MRing((a,), (b,)), μas2rad(rad), μas2rad(rad)), μas2rad(wid))
g = (1-f)*shifted(rotated(stretched(Gaussian(), μas2rad(sig)*asy, μas2rad(sig)), pa), μas2rad(x), μas2rad(y))
return ring + g
prior = (
rad = Uniform(10.0, 30.0),
wid = Uniform(1.0, 10.0),
a = Uniform(-0.5, 0.5), b = Uniform(-0.5, 0.5),
f = Uniform(0.0, 1.0),
sig = Uniform((1.0), (60.0)),
asy = Uniform(0.0, 0.9),
pa = Uniform(0.0, 1π),
x = Uniform(-(80.0), (80.0)),
y = Uniform(-(80.0), (80.0))
# Now form the posterior
skym = SkyModel(model, prior, imagepixels(μas2rad(150.0), μas2rad(150.0), 128, 128))
θ = (rad= 22.0, wid= 3.0, a = 0.0, b = 0.15, f=0.8, sig = 20.0, asy=0.2, pa=π/2, x=20.0, y=20.0)
m = model(θ, nothing)
post = VLBIPosterior(skym, amp)
tpost = asflat(post)
x0 = prior_sample(tpost)
ℓ = logdensityof(tpost)
@benchmark ℓ($x0)
# 31.1 μs
using Enzyme
@benchmark Enzyme.gradient(Enzyme.Reverse, $(Const(ℓ)), $x0)
# 104 μs
eht-imaging Code
import ehtim as eh
import numpy as np
import os
obs = eh.obsdata.load_uvfits(os.path.join("examples", "Data", "SR1_M87_2017_096_hi_hops_netcal_StokesI.uvfits"))
obsavg = obs.avg_coherent(0.0, scan_avg=True)
meh = eh.model.Model()
meh = meh.add_thick_mring(F0=0.8,
x0 = 0.0,
y0 = 0.0,
meh = meh.add_gauss(F0=1-0.8,
PA = np.pi/2,
x0 = eh.RADPERUAS*(20.0),
y0 = eh.RADPERUAS*(20.0)
preh = meh.default_prior()
preh[0]["F0"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : 0.0, "max" : 1.0}
preh[0]["d"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : eh.RADPERUAS*(20.0), "max" : eh.RADPERUAS*(60.0)}
preh[0]["alpha"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : eh.RADPERUAS*(2.0), "max" : eh.RADPERUAS*(25.0)}
preh[0]["x0"] = {"prior_type": "fixed"}
preh[0]["y0"] = {"prior_type": "fixed"}
preh[1]["F0"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : 0.0, "max" : 1.0}
preh[1]["FWHM_maj"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : eh.RADPERUAS*(2.0), "max" : eh.RADPERUAS*(120.0)}
preh[1]["FWHM_min"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : eh.RADPERUAS*(2.0), "max" : eh.RADPERUAS*(120.0)}
preh[1]["x0"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : -eh.RADPERUAS*(40.0), "max" : eh.RADPERUAS*(40.0)}
preh[1]["y0"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : -eh.RADPERUAS*(40.0), "max" : eh.RADPERUAS*(40.0)}
preh[1]["PA"] = {"prior_type": "flat", "min" : -np.pi, "max" : np.pi}
# This is a hack to get the objective function and its gradient
# we need to do this since the functions depend on some global ehtim variables
transform_param = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.transform_param
def make_paraminit(param_map, meh, trial_model, model_prior):
model_init = meh.copy()
param_init = []
for j in range(len(param_map)):
pm = param_map[j]
if param_map[j][1] in trial_model.params[param_map[j][0]].keys():
param_init.append(transform_param(model_init.params[pm[0]][pm[1]]/pm[2], model_prior[pm[0]][pm[1]],inverse=False))
else: # In this case, the parameter is a list of complex numbers, so the real/imaginary or abs/arg components need to be assigned
if param_map[j][1].find('cpol') != -1:
param_type = 'beta_list_cpol'
idx = int(param_map[j][1].split('_')[0][8:])
elif param_map[j][1].find('pol') != -1:
param_type = 'beta_list_pol'
idx = int(param_map[j][1].split('_')[0][7:]) + (len(trial_model.params[param_map[j][0]][param_type])-1)//2
elif param_map[j][1].find('beta') != -1:
param_type = 'beta_list'
idx = int(param_map[j][1].split('_')[0][4:]) - 1
raise Exception('Unsure how to interpret ' + param_map[j][1])
curval = model_init.params[param_map[j][0]][param_type][idx]
if '_' not in param_map[j][1]:
param_init.append(transform_param(np.real( model_init.params[pm[0]][param_type][idx]/pm[2]), model_prior[pm[0]][pm[1]],inverse=False))
elif param_map[j][1][-2:] == 're':
param_init.append(transform_param(np.real( model_init.params[pm[0]][param_type][idx]/pm[2]), model_prior[pm[0]][pm[1]],inverse=False))
elif param_map[j][1][-2:] == 'im':
param_init.append(transform_param(np.imag( model_init.params[pm[0]][param_type][idx]/pm[2]), model_prior[pm[0]][pm[1]],inverse=False))
elif param_map[j][1][-3:] == 'abs':
param_init.append(transform_param(np.abs( model_init.params[pm[0]][param_type][idx]/pm[2]), model_prior[pm[0]][pm[1]],inverse=False))
elif param_map[j][1][-3:] == 'arg':
param_init.append(transform_param(np.angle(model_init.params[pm[0]][param_type][idx])/pm[2], model_prior[pm[0]][pm[1]],inverse=False))
if not quiet: print('Parameter ' + param_map[j][1] + ' not understood!')
n_params = len(param_init)
return n_params, param_init
# make the python param map and use optimize so we flatten the parameter space.
pmap, pmask = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.make_param_map(meh, preh, "scipy.optimize.dual_annealing", fit_model=True)
trial_model = meh.copy()
# get initial parameters
n_params, pinit = make_paraminit(pmap, meh, trial_model, preh)
# make data products for the globdict
data1, sigma1, uv1, _ = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.chisqdata(obsavg, "amp", pol="I")
data2, sigma2, uv2, _ = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.chisqdata(obsavg, True, pol="I")
data3, sigma3, uv3, _ = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.chisqdata(obsavg, True, pol="I")
data4, sigma4, uv4, _ = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.chisqdata(obsavg, True, pol="I")
# now set the ehtim modeling globdict
eh.modeling.modeling_utils.globdict = {"trial_model" : trial_model,
"d1" : "amp", "d2" : False, "d3" : False, "d4" : False,
"pol1" : "I", "pol2" : "I", "pol3" : "I", "pol4" : "I",
"data1" : data1, "sigma1" : sigma1, "uv1" : uv1, "jonesdict1" : None,
"data2" : data2, "sigma2" : sigma2, "uv2" : uv2, "jonesdict2" : None,
"data3" : data3, "sigma3" : sigma3, "uv3" : uv3, "jonesdict3" : None,
"data4" : data3, "sigma4" : sigma3, "uv4" : uv3, "jonesdict4" : None,
"alpha_d1" : 0, "alpha_d2" : 0, "alpha_d3" : 0, "alpha_d4" : 0,
"n_params" : n_params, "n_gains" : 0, "n_leakage" : 0,
"model_prior" : preh, "param_map" : pmap, "param_mask" : pmask,
"gain_prior" : None, "gain_list" : [], "gain_init" : None,
"fit_leakage" : False, "leakage_init" : [], "leakage_fit" : [],
"station_leakages" : None, "leakage_prior" : None,
"show_updates" : False, "update_interval" : 1,
"gains_t1" : None, "gains_t2" : None,
"minimizer_func" : "scipy.optimize.dual_annealing",
"Obsdata" : obsavg,
"fit_pol" : False, "fit_cpol" : False,
"flux" : 1.0, "alpha_flux" : 0, "fit_gains" : False,
"marginalize_gains" : False, "ln_norm" : 1314.33,
"param_init" : pinit, "test_gradient" : False
# This is the negative log-posterior
fobj = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.objfunc
%timeit fobj(pinit)
# 298 us +/- 7.7
# This is the gradient of the negative log-posterior
gfobj = eh.modeling.modeling_utils.objgrad
%timeit gfobj(pinit)
# 1.3 ms
Chael A, et al. Interferometric Imaging Directly with Closure Phases 2018 ApJ 857 1 arXiv:1803/07088 ↩︎