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Dynesty Extension

Dynesty interfaces Comrade to the excellent dynesty package, more specifically the Dynesty.jl Julia wrapper.

We follow Dynesty.jl interface closely. However, instead of having to pass a log-likelihood function and prior transform, we instead just pass a Comrade.VLBIPosterior object and Comrade takes care of defining the prior transformation and log-likelihood for us. For more information about Dynesty.jl, please see its docs and docstrings.


using Comrade
using Dynesty

# Some stuff to create a posterior object
post # of type Comrade.Posterior

# Create sampler using 1000 live points
smplr = NestedSampler(;nlive=1000)

chain = dysample(post, smplr; dlogz=1.0)

# Optionally resample the chain to create an equal weighted output
using StatsBase
equal_weight_chain = Comrade.resample_equal(samples, 10_000)